indonesia (white) |
1. Mother of the wave in the world
bono river |
The country covered more than 15.000 archipelagoes and located in between two ocean. Where it produces the very good wave along the coast start from the west of Indonesia Aceh, where you can hear the legendary Simelue Island, Mentawai, and Nias Island. While Sumatra was known as the big island and legendary across Aceh through Lampung (Krui, Ujung Bocur). Another big island is Java, legendary Cimaja, Panaitan Island, Pacitan And G-Land are the most popular spot. Go to Bali where the very crowded spot surfing in Indonesia but very rich spot and available for every type and skill of surfer. Lombok, Sumbawa, and Sumba are the greatest island in the world you ever visit. It just like you are living on another planet.
Cara berdiri di atas papan surfingCara Menyewa SelancarAncaman Hiu Dan CaraMenghindarinyaCara Buang Wax
2. Try the different taste, Indonesian taste
Indonesian cuisine one of the greatest cuisine in the world, try the hot fried rice, satay, rending are the most delicious of Indonesian. Oh…. try the oxtail or lamb soup that would be great. Since thousand years ago Indonesia was known for its variable spicy taste. Each island has different cuisine and taste like Java mostly sweet, Bali mostly sweet and sour, Lombok likely too spicy food. While another island is known for its street food satay (grilled meat with hot spicy nut sauce), wonderful taste. RECOMMENDED!
3. Open for every people over the world
Indonesia is the easiest person in the world, they are friendly to everybody. But not every Indonesian speak English, it was wrong who say, write or review that English is Indonesian second language. Totally wrong. We just learn it in School. Speak Portuguese, Spanish, French, Japanese or Arabic are welcome.
4. Surfer paradise
A lot of professional surfers had been surf in Indonesia don’t worry. Its been a paradise since Adam on earth. You’ll meet another companion who surf on the surf spot. Don’t worry about the local surfer, they know exactly how to treat surfer from abroad. Surf travelers stay for a long time in the country eat and act Indonesian.
5. Backpackers hometown
Yup Indonesia one of backpacker paradise, you can find the hotel room for $10 a night and discount 20% if plan to stay for a month or more. Just be Indonesian is the cheapest way to live here. Drive motorbike or bicycle is the best way to explore the town.
6. The tropical fruit is wonderful
Its fresh, really fresh. The tropical fruit like banana, watermelon etc you can find it and every corner. Try the local fruit is the best way to enjoy Indonesia after the surf. The wonderful coconut is only $1 (in Java), best drink after the surf session.
7. No mad crowd
Do you know the picture of 5 surfers takes off in a row of wave?? While here only you, you shred your own wave. While the other waiting for the next wave. It's more than 1000 of surf spots in Indonesia.
8. Crystal barrel
Trust me the barrel has always come and you won't missed it. The water clean and blue its come on glassy wave and you go through the hole. Stop freeze it. I take your picture, and I swear you will come again just for the warm water.
9. Mecca of left-hander break
Are you kidding me?? No, it's real! Our left-hander break could be 1 km long, the very popular is G-Land tiger track surf spot in Banyuwangi or the Mentawai mostly left hand. So where is it for right-hander? I think the fun break for the right-hander is Cimaja in West Java, closest surf spot from Jakarta. Indicator surf spot is the professional point.
10. Indonesia Culture very original
Nothing compares to its original culture. The dance, the song, and tribe are alive among us. Every island has a different culture, so if you explore the surfing spot be sure to explore the local rich different culture. They have their own tattoo and recite the magic words.
11. Full challenge and unforgettable
You’ll really get mad or you’ll be a very happy traveler. Some of the International backpackers get mad because of the situation when they come to Bali, especially in Kuta. You have to know that the tourist who come to Kuta beach, Bali they always drink alcohol. And fight for others tourist, you might think it’s because of local people??? Guys control yourself, Kuta is the cheapest hostel in Bali its place to drink and party for European or Australian even American, that's not Indonesian traditional culture, move away for a 20-minute drive you’ll see local Balinese go to Pura for God. If you try another island you’ll see the real Indonesia. Just be sure that you come to Indonesia for the tour not to meet another Australian or European or even American, trust me, if you guys meet each other's something bad happen just like in Kuta, Bali.
12. Cheapest surf lesson in the world
Yup, I really sure that learn to surf in Indonesia is the cheapest in the world. If you can find another cheapest I’ll send my son to learn about the country. Hahaha. To learn to surf here is the worth it, if you learn in another country it might be very expensive. Contact us for the surf lesson. If you want to learn in Bali or Jakarta.
13. Richest beach break and warm water in the world
batu karas |
The beach break for a surfer who wants to learn to surf. Beginner needs the slow break, and you come to the best place in the world. The most popular is in Bali, but the best place is Pangandaran, West Java. The wave very slow and break suitable for the beginner.
14. Welcome to the jungle and the world game day by day
Besides you go surfing. That the biggest jungle in the world is Indonesia, where the orangutan or man of the forest. You should skip your surf session for a day and spent it in the wild. Be sure to go with the local guide.
15. Try the best COFFEE in the world
Don’t say it to your partner, just find it and consume for yourself. Luwak coffee is the best choice, don’t worry to try the very expensive coffee in the world. Beside Toraja Coffee, Bondowoso Coffee, Baliem Coffee, Deli Coffee that available in Arabica and Robusta. Wonderful, I tried my self.
16. Experience the chaos traffic in Jakarta
Try to stop by in Jakarta and have a look at every Jakartan face, look tired and stressed about the traffic, enjoy local food and find the cheapest quality shoes and t-shirt. The street food is a great choice if you around the town, you can also try “the night criminal Jakarta tour” that run by some local travel agent.
17. Learn to dance
Yup, it free you can and find it in a lot of theater in Bali, some of it run by the foreigner. It's free. If you like some martial art you can try Silat, but be aware of this very dangerous and deadly art. Original concept by the ancient troop of Majapahit and Sriwijaya empire. Now they turn into a better concept for fighting and street fighting, very fast in lock, fist, and break. Some of the popular silat is Cimande, Joko Tole etc.
18. Shape the surfboard
Yup as the one surfer destination Indonesia have to produce the local surfboard. In Bali lot of international surfer decide to stay and start surf business in Bali. You might be interested to learn how to build the surfboard you can go with us. Follow the link.
19. Be a part of the Indonesian family
To be a traveler is ablaze. You will learn how to deal with million people in the world. Try to keep in touch with a friend and join the family.some of Indonesian live in a poor condition, and they are very happy if they have a guest and have a dinner or lunch with them.
20. Meet a hot local girl
I can't say anything, this part is the best part of Indonesia, you’ll see that they not only hot but they are totally friendly and always treat a man like a king.
- By click the link and deal with us, you’ve been helping me to still update the website and keep surfing and traveling. The company above is our partner so we got the commission from the transaction.
- English isn’t my language anyway, I’m sorry for any mistakes
- Kuli bangunan notes
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